Thursday, February 5, 2015

Winter Break

Winter Break

            Over my life changing, winter break I did many things. First of all, my family and I traveled to Israel. We spent five days in Jerusalem. I was fascinated by the Old City on the first day. Climbing the walls of the Old City you could see all of Jerusalem. We visited the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim quarters of the old city as well as the Western Wall of the Temple. It was like walking through history. We had fun shopping in both the old and the modern parts of Jerusalem. Later on   we visited Uncle Joseph and Aunt Sara and their four children Leah, Ellie, Ezra, and our youngest cousin Aaron.  We haven’t seen them in quite some time. It was a wonderful family reunion. We spent a day traveling together to visit Masada and the Dead Sea.  The Dead Sea was not what I expected. There is so much salt that you can only float on top of the water. I left my water shoes in the car, but I went in without them and I came out with cuts on my feet from the rocks.

            When we left Jerusalem we traveled to Tsfat, which reminded me of an ancient town.  Tsfat is an artist’s colony and also the home to many beautiful synagogues. Then we visited the Golan Heights and took a jeep ride up to the Syrian Border. The bumpy ride over dirt roads was my brother’s favorite part.Then we went to tour an olive oil refinery and spent the last part of our trip in Tel Aviv.

            When we came home we adopted a German shepherd dog named
Blackie. We had been looking for a dog for a while, and Blackie is a little bit older, but well trained and protective dog who needed a new family. Blackie’s previous owner adopted him when he was two and sadly passed away last year. Blackie was brought back to the shelter where I found him. He has been a great addition to our family. Very important facts the shelter let us know for are dog , that are most important are, The German Shepherd breed is traditionally one of the most unhealthy breeds due to decades of popularity and unwise breeding. However, today's professional GSD breeders are dedicated to the health of their dogs and supporting scientific research to help eliminate genetic diseases in GSDs.

Supplements are no longer an afterthought but an important element for your German Shepherd's nutrition and care. Animal Necessity recommends consulting your veterinarian regarding the types of supplements that could benefit your dog's physical health and mental well-being.


            Towards the end of winter break, it was crunch time. Track season was about to start and I needed to get my three step back in shape for the new season. I personally can’t wait for track to start because I’am most excited for the new friendships and living changing things that could possibly happen to any member of this track team this season.

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